2020 Awards

Top Employer, again!

IAV Ranked Top 100 Employer for Engineers

How can we get engineers excited? As the movers and shakers behind the mobility of tomorrow, it’s with great teams, exciting topics, a dynamic industry in the midst of transformation, and a first-class testing infrastructure just to name a few perks.

And thus, IAV was once again voted one of Germany’s most attractive employers. We took 46th place in this year’s top 100 employer ranking, which has been conducted by the market research institute Trendence for the past 20 years.

We would like to thank all the engineering graduates who participated in the ranking for this award! And congratulations to the IAV team, our Erlking team!

You can see the full Trendence ranking here.

Trendence Absolventenbarometer, Attraktiveste Arbeitgeber 2020, Top 100 Arbeitgeberranking, für Absolventen Ingenieurswissenschaften

We are a MINT (STEM) minded COMPANY 2020

IAV is a committed MINT (STEM*) minded COMPANY 2020! As a driver of innovation for the mobility of tomorrow, we know that it all comes down to the smart and creative minds behind the scenes.

That’s why we are especially committed to supporting young talent. We introduce the world of STEM careers to schoolchildren, offer STEM students interesting practical insights, and provide the best possible support to STEM graduates in their professional lives.

* Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

Read more about the initiatives launched by audimax Medien GmbH and creating a STEM (MINT) future here.