Hundreds of thousands all over Germany took to the streets at the weekend against right-wing extremism and misanthropy and for the fundamental rights of our constitution. “The future of our democracy does not depend on the loudness of its opponents, but on the strength of those who defend democracy,” says Germany’s Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.
«That’s why we at IAV are also loud and defend ourselves against the enemies of democracy»

“Many colleagues took part in the demonstrations at the weekend and are clearly flying the flag for democracy. There is no place for racists in our company.”
“Our technical innovations thrive on the fact that we always work on them as a team and bring in different perspectives and points of view. And in order to work effectively as a team and create innovations, it is important to be open to other opinions and ideas. That’s why we embrace diversity at IAV,” says Jörn Klenner. “Colleagues from many countries, with different languages, religions and skin colors have been working together successfully at IAV for over 40 years. To keep it that way, we are committed to the fundamental rights of freedom and equality without any ifs or buts.”
«IAV is unreservedly on the side of democracy.»

CEO Jörg Astalosch: “Tolerance, human rights and diversity are the basis for innovation and progress. We reject all forms of racism, exclusion, discrimination and violence. We do not tolerate ideologies that question or threaten the life and dignity of others.”
“IAV is committed to an open, peaceful and just society in which everyone can develop their skills and talents. IAV has been employing people for over 40 years, today more than 7,900 worldwide, who work with determination and competence to make mobility better. Regardless of origin, religion or lifestyle. That’s what we stand for.”
Last year, we revised our Code of Conduct together with many internal stakeholders. The focus is on fair cooperation. It will be published at the beginning of February. You can find the current version here.
For the Management Board and General Works Council
Jörg Astalosch, Jens Hinze, Dr. Uwe Horn, Jörn Klenner and Martin Mahlke