How can companies successfully make the transition from 'Do Digital' to 'Be Digital' and which steps are crucial for a successful digital transformation?
In order to successfully make the transition from 'Do Digital' to 'Be Digital', companies need to focus on both technology and corporate culture. A strategy is of course necessary, but it is more important to implement it quickly. This requires the backing of the CEO and the entire management team. Their commitment and support are essential to drive the transformation forward.
Who doesn't know the feeling of being afraid to take a risk? But this is the key: innovation cannot happen without risk.
As managers, we play a central role. Living digitalization and making it a natural part of our everyday lives is the way forward. Managers must set an example by actively and regularly using digital tools and encouraging the use of and experimentation with digital tools within their teams. We need to convey this understanding to the entire workforce, which we are already supporting today with a comprehensive cultural program at IAV. Of course, we will encounter both pioneers and skeptics along the way, and that is a good thing. Our task is to reconcile these players in order to create a harmonious and productive working environment.

What do companies need to deeply integrate AI into business processes, products and services?
AI is a groundbreaking innovation, a game changer technology. It is changing the way we design and perform our work in a more disruptive way than we have seen for a long time.
Companies must become “AI-infused companies” by integrating AI into all business processes, products and services. This requires a holistic approach in which AI is integrated into every phase of the value chain - from product development to customer service (end-2-end approach).
This requires the right mindset: Companies need to understand, try and apply AI - according to the motto: Understand, Try, Apply AI.

How can companies convince all employees of the benefits of AI? How can they get employees to use AI in their day-to-day work?
Our Hi AI Academy plays a central role in empowering the entire IAV workforce: bottom-up for our employees and top-down for our managers. The Academy offers programs and initiatives aimed at promoting the understanding and application of AI in everyday working life. This program includes measures such as training, workshops and promotes an environment in which everyone learns from each other.
It is important that we take advantage of all the opportunities that AI offers us. For Germany and Europe, AI has great potential to boost traditional business with new technology. And only by empowering the workforce can employees fully exploit the potential of AI and actively contribute to the digital transformation.